Geralyn Elam |
55 Wins - 2001 |
523 Strikeouts - 2001 |
402 Innings Pitched - 2001 |
Rusti Reno |
Undefeated Pitching Season (8-0) - 2001 |
Back-to-Back Home Runs vs Paris, TX (5 RBIs) - 2002 |
3 for 4 (2B, HR) 6 RBIs vs El Paso, Texas - 2002 |
Team 2001 |
28 Game Winning Streak |
Amanda Cave |
52 Wins - National Record |
475 Strikouts - National Record |
433 1/3 Innings Pitched - 1999 |
8 No Hitters - 1999 |
5 Perfect Games - 1999 |
16 Strikeouts in a Game (NEO) - 1999 |
Kelli McGlasson |
2 HR in Regional Final vs NEO - 2004 |
Kelly Hinton |
Back to Back Home Runs vs Connors - 1999 |
227 at Bats Only 10 Strikeouts |
Stephanie Lowry |
Sacrifices (31) - 1999 |
Kelli McGlasson |
7 RBI Game vs Northern - 2005 (HR3-2B-RBI's) |
Reagan Hamlin |
Undefeated Season (8-0) - 1999 |
Sarah Hausner |
Appeared in 110 Games - 2003-2004 |
Team 2003 |
62-16 Overall / 20-8 Coference |
3rd Place National Tournament |
Sarah Hausner |
2003 All-Tournament Team |
Marianella Castellanos |
2003 All-Tournament Team |
Mairet Perez |
2003 All-Tournament Team |
Team 2005 |
Six Conference Championships in 8 Years |
Kirsten Scheele |
Set Record for "Saves" (10) as Pitcher - 2005 |
Lyndsey Harris |
71 Appearances (SSC Record) - 2007 |
8 Wins in a Row - 2006 |
Team 2007 |
Over 60 Regular Season Wins |
Tournament Champions: |
Invitational, Florida Community College Tournament, Eastern Oklahoma State and Seminole State College Invitational |
Brook Walters |
Finished Season Ranked 1st in Country in RBI's |
(94) - 2008 |
Team 2009 |
Finished 3rd in the Nation, |
Stephanie Glass |
MVP Pitcher 2009 National Tournament |
All-Tournament Team - 2009 |
Team 2010 |
Finished 4th in the Nation |
Katie Campbell |
All-Tournament Team, 2010 National Team, 3 HR's |
in Regional Final vs NEO |